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The History of Coffee In Indonesa


Coffee was not a native plant to the archipelago. In the 17 th of century when Indonesia was still under dutch occupation, The VOC brought Arabica coffee plants to Indonesia. They were interested in growing the plants and sought to break the worldwide Arab monopoly on the coffee trade. The Dutch colonial government initially planted coffee around Batavia (Jakarta) and as far South Sukabumi and Bogor. Coffee plantation were later establish in East Java,Central Java, West Java and in part of Sumatera and Sulawesi. 

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the best quality of coffee that we will serve


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newest crop for green bean

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Best Coffee

We rigorously uphold our commitment to provide coffee lovers with the finest Indonesian coffee.

MasterpiecesSpecial Indonesia Coffee

We commit to delivering only high-quality Coffee products to you. Our products are made from fresh and high-quality raw materials.


V60's name comes from its letter V shape, which is under the angle of 60 degrees. The resulting cone was designed to hold a paper filter, had a large drip hole and the inner side of the brewer had spiral ribs, allowing the air to be released while brewing. These are the standard features of the V60.

vietnam drip
Vietnam Drip

The Vietnamese drip method is one method of brewing coffee with a dripper and serving it with condensed milk. The brewing tools used are metal cups or tubes, plungers, and metal lids. Vietnamese drip coffee itself carries the concept of extraction produced through hot water droplets.

Picollo Latte

The word "piccolo" means "small" in Italian, which describes the size of the drink. To make a piccolo latte, a shot of espresso is combined with a small amount of steamed milk. The ratio of espresso to milk is usually 1:2 or 1:3, resulting in a stronger coffee flavor than a traditional latte.

hazelnut latte
Hazelnut Latte

Freshly pulled shots of espresso with our hazelnut powder and non-fat milk. Served over ice, or topped with thick foam and served hot.


We rigorously uphold our commitment to provide coffee lovers with the finest Indonesian coffee. Our roast masters have optimized roasting techniques to accentuate each coffee’s taste profile based on the processing method and origin. 

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We rigorously uphold our commitment to provide coffee lovers with the finest Indonesian coffee. Our roast masters have optimized roasting techniques to accentuate each coffee’s taste profile based on the processing method and origin. 

Best Supplier

We rigorously uphold our commitment to provide coffee lovers with the finest Indonesian coffee. Our roast masters have optimized roasting techniques to accentuate each coffee’s taste profile based on the processing method and origin.